Cristina Arenas

In 2020, Cristina graduated in Industrial Electronic Engineering at the University of Granada. During the last year of her Bachelor's degree, she completed her studies at the University of Skövde, obtaining a second Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering.

During her bachelor thesis at the University of Skövde, Cristina collaborated with the Swedish companies Simumatik and Jernbro to create a digital twin of an automated guided vehicle for use in virtual commissioning. After her degree, she decided to venture into data analysis and attended a bootcamp where she developed a neural network to detect cardiac anomalies in recordings made with a mobile phone. It was then that Cristina discovered her interest in healthcare applications and decided to do her master's thesis at the UC3M Robotics Lab, working on the ROBOASSET project. Here, she contributed to robot-assisted upper limb rehabilitation therapies using augmented reality technology.

In 2023, Cristina obtained her Master's degree in Robotics and Automation at the University Carlos III of Madrid.

Since July 2023, Cristina has been working as a research assistant at the SCAI Lab, focusing on autonomous wheelchair navigation and hoping to have a positive impact on engineering.

In her free time, she loves to enjoy nature by hiking or running and also enjoys experimenting with different instruments and musical styles.


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