Our Team
Head of Lab
Dr. Diego Paez-Granados
Head of Spinal Cord Injury & Artificial Intelligence Lab at ETHZ | SPZ, Nottwil
Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Robert Riener
Head of SMS-lab, ETH Zurich, Project co-PI and scientific lead partner
Prof. Dr. Med. Jürgen Pannek
Head of Neuro-Urology at SPZ, Project co-PI and medical lead partner
Lab Coordinator
Ai Sullivan
Project Coordinator and Administrative Assistant
Postdoctoral Researchers
Doctoral Candidates
Yanke Li
Causal Inference and Statistical Modelling Researcher
Mehdi Ejtehadi
Wearable Sensing and ML-driven Fusion Researcher
Dominik Wojcikiewicz
Perception and Sensor Fusion Researcher
Rashid Alyassi
Researcher in Learning for Social Navigation
Shreyasvi Natraj
Researcher in Advanced Neural Networks
Research Assistants
Elisa Du
Thomas Weikert
Neurorehabilitation and Medical Data Engineering
Visiting Researchers
Dr. Chen Yang
Researcher in Human-Robot Interaction and Shared Control
Sergio Galindo
Researcher in Gait Analysis and Assistive Robotics
Itilekha Podder
Researcher in Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Dr. Ana Cisnal
Researcher in Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Scientific Advisors
KD. Dr. med. PhD Inge Eriks-Hoogland
Autonomic Dysregulation and Outpatient Care Partner , Head of Outpatient care unit, SPZ
Nottwil Campus
KD. Dr. med. PhD Anke Scheel-Sailer
Pressure Injuries and Inpatient Care Partner, Senior Consultant of Inpatient care unit, SPZ
Nottwil Campus
Dr. Giulia Da Poian
Biomedical Signal Processing and Mobile Health Partner, Group Leader: MoodAI at ETH Zürich
Administrative Assistant
Diana Siedler